On the Sad morning of June 25, 2009 Michael Jackson was discovered collapsed at his rental home in Los Angeles. 911 emergency services responded promptly at 12:21 pm Pacific time arriving at 12:30 pm to find Michael unconscious and not breathing. He was rushed to the UCLA Medical Center and after a brief slip into a coma Michael was pronounced dead at 2:26pm; the cause reported as cardiac arrest.
On the Sad morning of June 25, 2009 Michael Jackson was discovered collapsed at his rental home in Los Angeles. 911 emergency services responded promptly at 12:21 pm Pacific time arriving at 12:30 pm to find Michael unconscious and not breathing. He was rushed to the UCLA Medical Center and after a brief slip into a coma Michael was pronounced dead at 2:26pm; the cause reported as cardiac arrest.
k.ina pon baru tau dah kul 10 mlm td. org dok cbuk2 dari pagi.
ada org kata si mati dah masuk Islam. betul ke?
*haha..tetibe je tanya Nana eyh.. :)
yup, he's dead at the age of 50...
and thank god he's dead as a Muslim :)
2 Jai : thanks for the info!
2 kak inna : heh? ye ke... nana tataw..
2 huda : hah? serious nana tataw..
kematian yg mengejutkan peminat dan bukan peminat, kan?
LOL! innocent je nana. huhu...
ha'a la..
yiba2 je..
ta pe.. tu igtkan kita sendirik, mati tuh tak bagi signal....
2 jai : innocent? nana ke..? XD
2 couzie : tu la ..
2 luna : betul, sy stuju ^^
masa dpt berita tu, mmg trus terigt Shinee, sbb mlm tu br j tgk Shinee bergmbr ngan barang kesayangan mereka and Taemin is holding MJ's album...
2 kak fai : tu la.. beta lagi kesian sama taem daripada MJ. lol. kejam.
kaklong pun terkejut pasal kematian dia...
tup..tup...dah mati!!!
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